Monday, 25 October 2010

Pay Day

In my past post about Money Terms and will split the people into 3 group. The Poor, The Middle Class and The Rich. There are very specific differences what the poor, middle class and rich manage their money on Pay Day.

1. The Poor : The Poor buy stuffs which those things are inexpensive that we do not need for survive. The stuffs which you can find in any houses, the table top, things in the kitchen that they buy in the market and cost them so little. The house is piling up the stuffs but actually do not increase their income eventually at the end. This group is just never educate themselves enough about the assets and liabilities. The problem is their income never produce or create more income.

2 The Middle Class : The Middle Class is the group who always been labeled as rich group who earned 6 figures income a month. But in actual fact, the middle class buy liabilities on the pay day and ended them in liabilities prison.

The liabilities such as the luxury cars, the houses, the credit cards, the expensive vacations, the boats etc. These are the things that cost them and make them stress out when they spend more than the income.

3. The Rich : The rich buys assets on pay day. The assets will produce more cash and create more assets at the end of the day.

What are the assets? Investment, bonds, real estate and even education. Rich people looking for business that will create passive income. The typical example is the pin ball machines. It will create more cash eventually month after month when you get back the return of investment.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Understand Money Terms

In my previous post, I did mentioned about Money at work or People at Work. This two money making method will change a person into different financial situation. As I also mentioned about McDonald money at Work concept. The products are burgers, but McDonald make the business work harder and smarter by putting more people at work. It is now become the world largest franchise fast food chain stores.

The important things to understand about the money terms.

1. Income : Money you bring in.
If you are an employee, your income is from your monthly salary. You get paid by wages, your employer pays you based on working hours that required in a day. They hire you to put more people at work in order to make more profit from his company. Your salary will stop when you stop working or when you are retired.

2. Expenses : Money you spend.
which you spend in foods, shelters, clothes, transport, etc.

3. Assets : Somethings that pays you.
This is most confusion one as in traditional definition about assets is something you own rather than somethings that pays you!!

4. Liabilities : Things that cost you.
A house is typically view it as Asset for most people. But can it be a liability? Yes ! when a house is something that cost you. To answer your doubt, when a house become an Asset? When the house starts to pay you money.

In my next post, I am going to share with you 'Pay Day'. The things that you buy on pay day. This is interesting as make most poor people become poorer, the rich people become richer and the middle class stress out! Do follow me in Facebook

Monday, 18 October 2010

Double Your Income b4 the next Storm hits

Are we learned from the previous financial crisis? The most typical global financial crisis happen when most factory facing tremendous sales dropped and forcing to lay off the existing headcounts, offering them the 'VSS' Voluntary Separation Scheme. The most painful phenomena when unemployment rate increased due government went into the financial turmoil or bankruptcy. Everything can happen in this financial fragile world. But one thing we can manage is our own future, would you like to take care of your financial future now before the next storm hits us?

The answer is absolutely yes! The only problem is how well we prepared for it? Many did not learn the lessons and they will continue to make the same mistakes when the problem occurs again. Here are some tips how to double your income by putting money at work instead of people at work.

Assuming that you are workaholic, and you work 24 hours a day for 1 month. You can work only maximum 720 hours in that month. What if you put 10 people at works for 8 hours a day, you have 2,400 hours work done in that month !! You have probably 3 times more results. The more people you put at work, the more output is going to be. For example, every 1,000 people put at work for 1 hour in a day, that means you have 30,000 work done in that particular month. In this situation, in your mind, most probably the corporate or MNC (Multi National Company) can do it. In the next discussion, we will going to explore a fair business model that every one can be the CEO of the MNC or the Corporate Company and put more people at work instead of you work for 24 hours a day. Follow me in my next post.

4 Business Principles

1. Huge Expanding Market : Whatever business that you involved is still a business. But the problem is can your business expanded within your nation? or even worldwide? Many people will think of this is only can be done by the big corporation eg McD fast food chain stores. Just imagine your business now is expanded in China mainland, and the numbers of your business outlets are growing like mushroom after the rain. One of the best way for business to go beyond your country is by getting involved a business who has huge market expansion worldwide by using the internet from home.

2. Unique Consumable Product : Business can be divided into products or services. The company that can survive for many years definitely has it's strengths. One of its strength is the products or services are unique. Very little competitors and it is always the leaders in the market in its uniqueness. If you do not has the uniqueness, bear in mind, your business is under heavy competitions, price wars etc. Your business may knock down by the competitors after few round of price wars. The Products or Services must be a daily consumable, so that you got repeated sales generated daily.

3. Timing : Timing is everything! In business, timing is everything. If you missed the timing, probably it is out of business! Unless you are professional or expert in your field like a surgeon. His service is highly needed and he/she got to work hard for his patients due to demand on his/her expertise is high! For a ordinary people, how to catch a right timing for a business you want to get involved? You may notice for the market demand trend, what are the biggest demand trend from now till 10-20 years? People who are can catch the business in front of the trend probably is making the huge sum of money compare to those who missed the trend.

4. Employ others so that you get more done : In any business, if you want to do it alone, then you are probably a self-employed who work at it own capacity. But you would become very tired at the end because you have limited time and resources to run the business. In McDonald business, the business is a simple and unique business, but he has employed others to do the same, so that the owners of McDonald can make more profits. The idea behind is a smart businessman wanted to make only 1% of total sales from the group or corporation instead 100% but it own sales.

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Thursday, 14 October 2010

Money Earning Situations

Let's discuss what is money earning situations

1. Work for some one else : Most of us is looking for a job and working for some one as an employee in their entire life. As long as the job requirements are met to their academic qualifications and previous job experience, they will continue make money from their job. They will get paid as long as you still work for the company which still exist and making profit. Normally this type of money earning situation is called as 'security' job for most of the employees, and at the other hand, their income will stop if they quit the job or the company went bankrupt.

2. Be a Professional : People who are holding professional certificates and expertise such as doctors, accountants, lawyers, etc is the group who specialize in their area. They are making money as long as their expertise still in demand. They may make a lot of money but ended they have no time and very busy to do their work.

3. Own your own business : People who own a business may run out of time and talent if he/she do by it own. When the business is growing, they must employ others, so that they can get more done. In this situation, you are leveraging off the efforts of other people.

Group 3 is probably a better money situation provided their business is falling under the 4 important principles. I will discuss it in the next post. Stay tune!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

A "True" Home Business

Thanks for your interest on 'Create Wealth From Home'. We are specialized in Online Internet Business and coaching people to build business network online via social networking media.

Today's Reality.....

Most of us trade time for dollars, we work once and get paid once. This is a fair and just way to earn a living - but it falls short of the ideal. If you stop working - regardless of the reason - you stop earning money. Since most people are only one paycheck away from financial disaster, the possibility that money could stop coming in is terrifying!!

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Richard Tan
Success Coach
Work At Home 1Malaysia