Monday 1 November 2010

Reading Books

Making a habit of reading books. Learn the methods that make you a winner. These are the books that i am reading or i have read :

1. Ziglar On Selling ~ Zig Ziglar
2. Cracking the Millionaire Code ~ Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G Allen
3. Law of Teamwork ~ John C. Maxwell
4. Leadership GOLD ~ John C.Maxwell
5. Healthy for Life ~ Dr Ray Strand
6. What Your Doctors Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You ~ Dr Ray Strand
7. The 8th HABIT ~ Stephen R. Covey
8. The Secret ~ Rhonda Byrne
9. Cash flow Quadrant ~ Robert T. Kiyosaki
10. The One Minute Millionaire ~ Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G Allen

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