Tuesday 30 November 2010

Enlighten Wealth 1.1.11

In my earlier post, i did mentioned about Robert G. Allen. In this post, you will going to hear about what Robert G. Allen says about wealth and the enlighten way. Why Enlighten Wealth 1.1.11? It means if you are serious about creating wealth and wanted to get started, that must be a starting date. 1.1.11 means 1st Jan 2011? No matter what date you begin, it doesn't matter, but it must be an enlighten one. 1st Must be a right goal/vision, 2nd It must be do it right at the right time, right place and with the right people.

The Enlighten Wealth Questions #1 : What do you REALLY want?

For time freedom?
A better house?
A better car?
Spend more time with family members or loved one?
A quality vacation?
The list goes on

Simply had a dream is not enough, you must act on it,  a decisive desire to make it happen. Most people just wish, they just want to hope it happen. That is NOT an enlighten way of creating wealth. Robert G. Allen says " When you really really want something, you will find a way! When you really don't want something, you will find an excuse! "

The Enlighten Wealth Questions  #2 : Do I have Multiple Stream of Income?

Why we need multiple steam of income? When we are having another time of recession, we may loose some of the stream of income. But when you have other enough streams of income, it will going to support you to move forward. That is a foundation of security, that is why we must need multiple stream of income. The streams of income source can be from the real estates, stocks, network marketing business, internet business, products/services business etc. Click here to see the full video explanation.

I will continue my next post about The Enlighten Wealth Questions  #3 and #4. Stay tune!

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