Thursday 2 December 2010

Enlighten Wealth 1.1.11 (2)

To continue my last post about Enlighten Wealth Questions by Robert G.Allen. After you have make a decision to go for creating wealth, but you still don't see any results. There are reasons that holding you back and make you the same person like before.

Enlighten Wealth Question No 3 : Do you make money while you sleep?
This is something most people still not doing it or have not doing it well.  When you stop working, the money definitely will stop to flow into your life, but when you have multiple stream of income that flow into your life 24 hours everyday, it will make you one step closer to your financial freedom.

Enlighten Wealth Question No 4 : Are my dreams more real than my fears?
F.E.A.R.S simply means something that hold you back because of  inside you encounter F=failure, E=Embarrassing, A=abandoned, R=rejections, S=success. Fears is the most typical factor for a person who still can't make the dream come true.Click here to watch the video.

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